Pure Organic Food


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About Organika

Your online resource for healthy food.

‘Organika’ is a brand that represents Chemical Free Pure Farm Food. Their complete range of healthy and nutritious items like cereals, pulses, spices, oilseeds and sweeteners are sourced from their own dedicated farm and from certified farmers/organizations. Driven by the passion of a former bureaucrat -Organika is committed to building sustainable natural farming practices, gender parity in wages and local community participation. Organika is committed to quality and traceability of its products – ‘farm to fork, as they say!

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“ Organika Farms was set up in June 2017, to grow pure organic food in the traditional way. It started in Adhoi Village (Ambala District) on a four-acre leased farm. In 2019 Organika Farms expanded to a 10-acre acquired farm in Pachehra (Mathura District). Completely based on natural methods like green manuring, crop rotation and mixed farming, the farms do not use any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. The farms are successfully growing Cereals, Pulses, Spices, Oilseeds and Cash crops like Sugarcane. We believe that Organika Farms produces not just food for satisfying hunger but – “Food that heals, Food that nourishes the body and the soul!”
